Going out on limb and guessing this was around the time I began going to The Globe to write.
I write better when I am sober but I drink better when I am writing.

Going out on limb and guessing this was around the time I began going to The Globe to write.
I write better when I am sober but I drink better when I am writing.
If necessity is the mother of invention, who’s the father?
Cover page for my collected poems when I was in high school.
The other drawings (besides Barney) that I found inside that folder
The cover of the folder within which I found the random drawings from 1994.
When you are 14 years old and your mom has been keeping kids in the house to earn a living for as long as you can remember.
Pretty confident every poetry writing high school kid coming up in Georgia has written at least one poem on a Waffle House napkin.
If I could see through my walls of lazy faith
I would agree that my thoughts are days away
I lay here flushed in this field of daisied clay
Waiting for my love to light the way
And pushing with my pen, I contemplate my sin
And aggravate my mind to be a saint and invite it in
For through the water I wade
Until the scene has decayed
I have not been cleansed
But lick my rust and peel away
Some more over-the-top notes out of the 340 page journal for Perpetual Groove. These are from when I was writing the MIDI file loading and saving routines.
Just one of the kajillion things you can make out of a Turk’s head knot.
The unboxing
Guess I started worrying about the death of American democracy earlier than I thought.
I wonder if prayer has evolved.
Whoever first added the bottle opener to our pocket knives and multi-tools was spot-f$&king-on.
I mean …
Y’all (here I go again with the crowd speech) have no idea how much ninja snipping it took just to get this far.
The one I wish people would read: On Dragons
If y’all are from Mastodon, at least getting the domain setup this morning was a plus.
The love of my life for three to six months
Kinda crazy how easy writing was that one week there seemed to be a point to it.
My pet yellow jacket.