I really oughta stop looking at plausible analytics for six months or so. It was fun before I ditched Twitter and Ellison was driving hundreds to click on what I put together for him. Now, the 7 sec visit durations … not so much.
Finally decided to follow someone on Micro.blog …
Update: well … that lasted what, a day?
DC Democrats that believe the filibuster oughta stick around, that working with a bad faith party is the way forward, are failing to meet this … moment … in so … many … ways.
After collapsing and letting out the most god-awful scream during her fresh near-death experience.
Didn’t have the file in place I thought I did. Guess all that is left is to build out the syntax definition a bit more.
Luna in the other outdoor chair I revamped
I always want to get into Pythonista … and then I just don’t.
After all the drunk posting last night, thinking my self-destructing post iOS Shortcut wasn’t such a bad idea.
My god, when The Muppet Show speaks to you.
There’s something beautiful about this season (by episode 9) of A Discovery of Witches.
Digging The Luminaries.
Feels kinda weird how much nostalgic pleasure I am receiving off of opening beer bottles off o’ work benches in the garage (like I would open beer bottles off o’ countertops in high school).
F$&k me but I should have been a musician.
Side note: I tweeted 6K times over a three month period before ditching Twitter for being a Business Casual Media platform … my ADHD
Following up the previous (and keeping to 280 characters), my other thing to do would be to rediscover my inner musician.
Were I at the point of being interacted with, right about now is when I’d be tossing out concepts for something to do (i.e. an app that translates bird song into sheet music).
I mean, subtracting the one iOS visit before I wrangled the Gluon browser, would you expect this kind of breakdown?
Feels like I am either on the verge of finding a coding community that encourages me to participate … or having my 18 year self-inflicted social isolation come back yet again to bite me in the a$$.