♫ You can wait for aaggggeeeeeeesss
♫ Watch your compost tuurrrnnnn to coooal
♫ But tiime is contaagiouuuss
♫ And everyBoody's getting ooolld
♫ So youcan siton chimnneeeeyyyyss
♫ Put some fire up-your aaasssss
♫ No need to knoow what you're dooiing or loookiing for
♫ But if aannyonnee should aaasskk
♫ Tell'em Ii been cookiing cooooocoonuutt skinnss
♫ And we've been hangiingg ouuut
♫ Tell'em Good juusst dropped byyy to foorrgiivve our siinnnss
♫ Aannd relieve uusss ouur dououbbt
Totally forgot Jerry and David covered this song.
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Any follower count shown in Mastodon for a Micro.blog user will be wrong.
Fun fact, if these following/followers counts happen to be 0/0, I am like the one Micro.blog user connected up to Mastodon with accurate counts.
Patience … you must have … my young padawan.
How I miss hanging out with my boys. Could be what's missing.
This breakdown has been consistent and still boggles my mind. I posted a lot yesterday. The mastodon traffic is reliable when I do so. The one iOS visitor was me. There were no Micro.blog visitors.
Kinda crazy that after 20-some years … I let 37 of my poems out into the wild … and the worst thing to happen … was nobody wanted to read them.
The one that changed me when I went back to college for the second degree.
The one that changed me in college.
The one that changed me in high school.
Totally bookmarked Keller Williams’ Cameo page for the next time I get really low.
Must have been from the last time I was writing essays, wish I still had them.
The more things change …
My grandfather's theater in Sparta, Tennessee (f$&k if I know when).
Wait … wait … I remember. It was Saturday.
♫ All in all its just aaanother brick in the wall
A wet walker
Why? What did y’all name your vehicles?
This cloud was totally worth it just to stave off panic about sh$t missing … let’s me know the site is still rebuilding (kinda bizarre, though that this happens with new posts rather than being isolated to tinkering under the hood).