Alrighty then. Got a fresh, unlisted category named crossing, got a filter setup to detect my new “Read More” approach, got a filter setup to detect as much and assign the crossing category, disabled Medium on the primary and setup a category specific feed with Medium enabled. Fingers-crossed … am I right?
Looks like setting up the category specific feeds will be necessary for leaving cross-posting to Medium enabled. They be all, “don’t publish so many stories.”
Totally remember now why I skipped Medium and landed on
The single most disappointing aspect of my experience using Twitter was wanting to discuss ideas with folks and realizing nothing short of a kick-ass dog pic or a shot of their unboxed book would yield acknowledgement.
The forest and the trees.
It would seem the very essence of what it is to be human consists of our prowess at pattern recognition.
What memes looked like before the internet.
ANSWERS TO NAME OF "LUCKY"Thought if anything was gonna break the Medium cross-posting it would be shortcodes, but this one was handled like a champ
Am I the only one getting a hell of a lot of screens like this when clicking on Google ads? I could care less but all the folks paying for the ads oughta be pissed.
Thought I oughta mention, @manton, that the only thing controversial about me (that I can tell) is my use of special-charactered cursing … and that this is an entirely throttleable attribute. Feel free to ask me to tone something down or keep some example or another out of the help center (like the Medium screenshot I just added to one of my replies).
For some unknown reason, I am fascinated with literal use situations for sh$t slang. A fresh one popped into my head as I watch my hella old schnoodle Murphy work one out in the backyard.
“So, you get that sh$t taken care of?”
Should anyone happen to be curious, the fascination started when I began cleaning Disco's stall and I was all:
"Man, I f$&king hate this sh$t."
Doubt Medium will be of much use, but here is a link to my favorite creative nonfiction essay to date so as to test out cross-posting:
You know, I am not against the functionality of emojis, just the stylistic hijacking of their appearance by all our operating systems. Keep that sh$t in the fonts where it belongs.
🎵 versus ♫
♻️ versus ♻︎
ℹ️ versus ℹ︎
♨️ versus ♨︎
🖕 versus }凸(`⌒´メ)凸GitHub - biati-digital/glightbox
You can completely customize the structure of GLightbox and use CSS to change any part you want.
Feels like my next possible just for the f$&k of it time sink.
Part of me wants to get creative with a custom 404 page, the rest of me realizes the only one likely to land there will be me.
Then again, I do have a history of decorating pages only intended for me.
So … @manton … I bet the challenge is creating a platform open enough for folks like me to get under the hood … but not so open as to compromise the curated/timeline aspect of the platform. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not on the right track. You are.
Artsy Fartsy picking up steam
I mean … are we sure Recents is the word we are looking for here ?
Bird Bath