Here's a one-off, y'all realize I stopped manipulating images and everything with my signature is actually digitally painted, right? With the canvas blending layers I lay in that sh$t fools me.

Here's a one-off, y'all realize I stopped manipulating images and everything with my signature is actually digitally painted, right? With the canvas blending layers I lay in that sh$t fools me.
Raise your hand if seeing Ryu pop up in animation credits does not make you think of Street Fighter.
The mood tonight
May end up rolling my own anyway if there isn't a way to modify the page title for cards.
The spousal-type says I should expand my reach via Facebook. There is logic to her argument. I kinda wanna hurl.
Y'all realize if we don't take a piece of that GQP base … we're still going to be talking John Lewis bill straight through November of 2022, right? Holler when y'all have caught up to the pivot.
I suppose the world can be divided up into those with an interest in understanding that which they currently do not … and those with derision for what they conclude must be meritless (for surely were it anything else they'd have understood it in the first place).
Fun facts about the bifurcated information ecosystem.
After making a name for itself last year by bringing us our first non-peaceful transfer of power … this year it's really stepped up its game … currently killing ~381 folks per day with COVID … and just getting warmed up.
Bet nobody in bubble one points and laughs at that sign misspelling "eviction"
Vaccinate like you're Bay Area residents MFers.
Nobody tell the spousal-type … but thanks to Little Voice … I have a new crush.
Well I guess it's telling me the genetic distance of the folks I'm ignoring in steps. 36 of 'em. Mostly 1-2 steps … the rest 3 with a couple 4.
How many shared Y-DNA markers before you're family? The floor is now open.
Part of me wants to d$ck around with the Twitter API … the rest of me is still angry with Jack and wants his platform to go f$&k itself.
Twitter bookmarks is thick with threads again. I think it's time to at least pop them into Ulysses … see if the writing bug bites.
Remind me again why we're leading with Cuomo when the Pentagon was on lockdown today on account of an active shooter.
How's about we hear about the Pentagon (and other federal buildings) being locked down on account of an active shooter … then y'all can go nuts on this Cuomo crap.
Playing with numbers for latest concept … GOP senators represent approximately 158.1 million people. Democratic caucusing senators represent approximately 172.8 million people.
Part of me wants to do a day in Earth Two's information ecosystem concept … the rest of me can't stomach the research it would require.
Why I find the experience of muting more powerful than blocking on social media…
Blocking says, "I see U. I don't like U. I don't want U to know what I have to say or voice an opinion on my content that others might see."
Muting says, "Wait … who? Bro … I don't even see them."
Sergeant's opening statement is a rough listen.
If there is a better vehicle for destabilizing a nation than convincing half its population that a deadly, debilitating pandemic is a hoax intended to oppress, I can't think of it. Well played Putin.
I wish I had half of what Ted Lasso's got.
What would squirrels do if we moved the entirety of our electrical grid underground?
Gonna stop uploading to … the censorship is just too ridiculous.