Gonna try and shake out more of the thoughts that raced through my skull as I was re-reading Bernays. Putting together an all-in -one in Ulysses.

Gonna try and shake out more of the thoughts that raced through my skull as I was re-reading Bernays. Putting together an all-in -one in Ulysses.
Fingers-crossed that once full FDA approval comes through insurance companies start denying coverage for COVID treatment to the unvaccinated by choice (seeing as educational outreach is nowhere on the horizon).
Twittersphere losing a lot of my respect today … see the g0dd@mn forest … and remember to reject the XORing of sh$t that is not mutually exclusive. (The rotten f$&king attitude goes away when my gut stops doing a better job than US Intelligence at predictive sh$tshowery).
How to vent about the absolute absolution being touted by an administration over the blown withdrawal leaving countless lives (the ones assisting our troops in the thick of it knowing their lives would be forfeit should they ever be discovered by the Taliban) to be slaughtered (rather than having their evacuation prioritized before ceding transportational control to their executioners):
How to amplify said venting via insertion into a thread blaming Trump for freeing Taliban prisoners:
How to miss the point entirely, believing the decision to withdraw (rather than the manner in which it was carried out) to be the picked bone:
How to kindly point out someone's numb nut rebuttal while implying further engagement is of no interest:
How to dig further into your numb nut argument, still missing the point entirely, while exposing yourself as a douche:
How to blatantly connect the dots for some douche whose repeated failure at grasping argumental context has exposed him as not worth the time to catch the f$&k up on the whole sh$t show of an exchange he doesn't have the good sense to realize he is losing:
Woke Twitter never fails to let me down. Biden is fully responsible for a f$&ked up withdrawal. I was yelling at my TV months ago … letting him know he was f$&king it up … our allies would be slaughtered. Woke Twitter blames Trump. Propaganda is universally deployed m0therf$&kers
At this point … @potus … the speech you're spinning up best include a fucking apology for appalling horseshit coming out the mouth of @jakejsullivan this morning. You have one chance with me to show up as the man we elected. I sniff a hint of spin… (dramatic dun dun dun).
Wanna show what leadership looks like? Own your GD mistakes … make right what you can … and then f$&kin' lead like you learned from them. Anything less deserves a boot up your a$$. (& all the "but it's Trump's fault" horsh$t best be out my timeline by the time I turn to read it)
Blame the Afghans … best way I can think of to lose all my respect … you pass-the-buck, head-up-our-a$$, precedentially-blinded, I-called-this-sh$t-months-ago-and-yet-you're-f$&kin'-stunned m0therf$&kers.
Way to pass the buck congressman.
Defending the f$&k up of a withdrawal that was as easy to predict as the insurrection on the 6th … that leaves countless to the slaughter … is the wrong way to go buds.
Cat got Biden's tongue?
How to oust govermental corruption within a dual reality environment. That is the hurdle. Be great if we all at least saw the m0therf$&ker and knew it was time to leap.
So I gather Jack replaced fleets with Clubhouse
Be great if I could post full resolution images … like … anywhere.
I totally picture this Bernays collection on a classroom wall somewhere.
I am entirely comfortable correcting centennially established genius. I am also entirely comfortable having my position corrected by the village idiot. Not sure where that leaves me.
Home Before Dark … killing it with season two as well.
My f$&k-Bernays buddy on Mastodon seems to be AFK.
Alrighty, testing out Ulysses' date and time post publishing. Decided I should post the selections from Bernays that I have been using … got my notes for chapters I-IV set to pop, staggered by an hour, beginning in 27 minutes.
Bernays capturing woke Twitter's entire memeified existence from the grave.
At this point, I'm beginning to question who to blame for all the typos I'm finding in a book that's been in circulation since 1928.
Check out this horsesh$te voicemail I was just left by an Austrian number.
Suppose at this point I oughta consider illustrating some of my poetry.
How did social media break the world? It all but eliminated Bernays' "expense of manipulating the social machinery."
It's funny … I was tape delayed … he was so douchey that I skipped to live and missed the resignation.