Just another day in dual reality America. Y'all feel fully normalized yet?
More ways social media blows up Bernays' ideology.
There is seriously a typo (if not multiple typos) on every page of this book. Is IG Publishing sh$t … or did they acquire rights to publish a sh$t manuscript that they can't edit?
Civil society is devolving because the proponents and the opponents have been segregated into echo chambers.
Peter Baker be nailin' my point.
Just in case what you were missing tonight was a discrete mathematically inspired proof for the existence of negative propaganda.
Where did we … as a society … land on subliminal messages … you know … priming the minds of the masses to encourage a particular desired action or belief without the masses ever being aware?
And I mean … what are the chances … am I right?
Queue 120 pages of assumptions that every cause has merit and the information is always correct.
The bourgeoisie stood in fear of the common people … then we learned how to mold their minds to throw their strength in the desired direction … nice sales pitch.
The fly in the ointment … "code of ethics."
Opening this up to every digitally connected household utterly breaks the presumed ability to monitor and self-police information flows.
So Representative Meeks is on point as far as where to go from here (which is basically doing the work we should have been doing since the day someone meant to give a f$&k took office knowing a deal had been made to withdraw from Afghanistan).
Quick … someone give me a better example of white privilege than "the great resignation."
Someone made bat-mistake.
How to look a fool by entirely missing the point being expressed and making the most asinine of assumptions about someone who's actual ideology is fully available for skimming.
P.S. I also play bass @doktor7
The Voynich Manuscript be looking at me like "I thought you were gonna be the one to crack my code, you haven't even cracked my spine." #ADHD
274 days into my Micro.blog account … zero followers … such a weird relationship I have going with your platform @manton