theme: Moondeer v2.0.1 (built on Feb 2 at 11:36)

Where meaning goes to die
Where smiles lie
Where mild manners pander to appease
An obfuscated aura
Hides well malignancy
A spirit merely spoken of
Fills not with love
But with hot air and emptiness
A vagabond of vacancy
A spirit lived distends
To hold the breadth of life
In this place it is all talk
Walk and talk
Walk and talk
The efficacy with which
Emptiness fills space astounds
Pestilence personified
A hallowed face and hollow heart
Think not that perceptive clarity
Belies similitude
If ever I had meaning
It has died
Could I purse my lips to smile
It would lie
My spirit quivers
With complacency
But, are not my manners mild?